Lincoln's Farewell Address to the Nation
We have the farewell words to the nation from three presidents who could foresee the future. Washington said to avoid “Foreign Entanglements;” Eisenhower warned of the “Military - Industrial Complex;” and Biden spelled out the dangers of “Social Media Misinformation,” “The Technolology- Industrtrrial
Complex,” and “Control by an Autocracy of the Super-Rich.”
But what might Abraham Lincoln’s farewell words have been…?
January - 1869 - Abraham Lincoln’s Farewell Address
“For the sorrows we share, North and South, for the sons lost too soon on both sides, let us lay aside our grief. And in its place forge a bond in the fires of our past, that now renews our dedication to a better future when joined together we shall live with an unbreakable devotion to mutual respect and love for the sake of the future awaiting our children and grand children… For it is only with that unquenchable desire to live together as brothers and sisters that the vision of our forefathers, the destiny so many have sacrificed to attain, shall not perish from this unique land we cherish.”